How Kombucha can help with High blood pressure

How Kombucha can help with High blood pressure

The frequency of high blood pressure and related diseases in western societies is higher than other diseases. Today, kombucha is known as a treatment for blood pressure. One of my friends who had high blood pressure tried it and got a positive result. I advised him to take kombucha with Hawthorns tea. The result was better than using hawthorns tea alone. After that, every time he checked his blood pressure and found it normal.

Similar observations were observed in the case of Mrs. May, who also had high blood pressure.
She wrote: "For the past four weeks, 
I have been drinking kombucha with hawthorn tea to lower my blood pressure. I have been drinking approximately 200 ml of kombucha daily with two cups of hawthorn tea. The mixture of these two brought my blood pressure back to normal and I was able to stop my blood pressure medication. Anyway, due to the importance I attach to my health, I have to make sure what I am doing is right or not. For this reason, I thank you for giving the necessary advice in this matter.”

Do you think this amount of kombucha and hawthorns tea can be drunk for a long time?

If my blood pressure rises during the break, can I use another herbal medicine? 

My answer was: "First of all, I recommend that you should not stop blood pressure medication without consulting your doctor." This may be a problem for you because some doctors are strongly against herbal therapy.

They recommend to stop any treatment with herbal medicines. Some of them who are less prejudiced may accept the reality to some extent and recommend some herbal medicines.


The recommended amount is two cups a day for high blood pressure and one cup for low blood pressure.

About Mrs. May I must say that the 200ml she consumes daily should include hawthorn tea or two cups of hawthorn tea alone. A break period is not recommended to allow the body to adapt to the treatment. It goes without saying that hawthorn is excluded from many plants. There are those who have been taking hawthorn for ten years without a break and they have gotten great results. However, the necessary points must be followed carefully.

Hawthorns due to containing Alkaline substances they are prohibited in Australia.

As it was said before, it is the amount of the drug that an excessive use of hawthorn can also have negative effects. A poison or an agentIt makes treatment.My father's heart trouble and blood pressure is a clear example of this. He was born in 1899 and joined the army at the age of seventeen. After the examination, the army doctor discharged him due to heart trouble. During the last twenty years of his life, he regularly consumed tea or hawthorn tincture to keep his heart condition and blood pressure under control. When he was hospitalized at the age of 96, everyone was waiting for his death. We asked his doctor how long he will live. He replied that his heart is so strong that it will prevent him from dying.


Mrs. R.H wrote: I thought you would like to know about people with high blood pressure

They can lower their blood pressure by consuming kombucha. Experience has shown that people who consume kombucha along with some blood pressure medications experience a severe drop in blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor about kombucha along with your medications.

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